Zac Setlhabi

Starting off in Mechanical Engineering at Sasol College (now Flavius Mareka) where he was the first President of the SRC, and completed with no formal supervision, Zac studied Computer Systems Engineering at Vaal Triangle Technikon (now Vaal University of Technology), became an Oracle/Unix Systems Administrator at Sasol Group Information Division (GID). He then proceeded to become a Radio Planning Engineer and Project Manager at BCNK Engineering Consultants where he was part of a team that planned 22000 square-kilometres of GSM Networks in South Africa. Afterwards he joined SBTI programme as an innovator in 1999-2000 where his innovation was incubated. During this period he was contracted in the FIFA 2010 world Cup as Setlhabi Consulting, now Ingenious IQ LTD as a consultant. Ha spent about ten (10) years of product refinement until amassing investment into his Public Participation Technology innovation where he is now concluding a prototype. Zac continues to create unequalled strengths and strategic partnerships for his Civic Technology Innovation which promises civic vibrancy, accelerated

Zac Setlhabi

+27(0)73 597 9268

[email protected]
